For a project of mine, I had to get the most used X words from a string (mainly an HTML document), in Python. I took some inspiration from
this post, but added quite a few things to it (besides translating it to Python, duh). Here are a few optimizations I made:
- Parse only the content between <body> and </body>;
- Remove any scripts or stylesheets as they will contain words that repeat a lot of times (variable names, CSS attributes etc.) which we don't need;
- Besides removing tags, I'm also removing HTML entities (things like &smth;).
Ok, here's what I've got (again, I tried my best to comment what everything does):
def get_text_keywords(page_content, n_words=20, html=True, stopwords=stopwords):
# If the input is a html document, strip html tags and entities and parse
# only the <body> of the document
if html:
page_content = re.sub(re.compile('<script.+?</script>', re.DOTALL), '', page_content)
page_content = re.sub(re.compile('<style.+?</style>', re.DOTALL), '', page_content)
page_content = page_content[page_content.find('<body'):page_content.find('</body>')]
page_content = re.sub(re.compile('<.*?>', re.DOTALL), '', page_content)
page_content = re.sub(re.compile('&.*?;', re.DOTALL), '', page_content)
# Get the words in a list and remove stopwords
l_swords = re.split('[^\w\']+', page_content, )
l_words = [ ]
for word in l_swords:
word = word.lower()
if word not in stopwords and len(word) > 1:
# Get the words in a dict ( dict['word'] = number_of_occurences )
d_words = { }
for word in l_words:
if word in d_words:
d_words[word] += 1
d_words[word] = 1
# Put the words in a list, ordered by the word count (cryptic Python FTW)
l_words = [ k for k, v in sorted(d_words.iteritems(), key = lambda (k,v): (v,k), reverse=True) ]
# Return the first n_words in the list
return l_words[:n_words]
Basically, the function returns the most used
words from a string. I took the stopwords from
here, as I found the CSV to be easier to parse. I made it into a python module that contains a
list so it can be easily imported and used (e.g.
from stopwords import stopwords
). Here it is:
stopwords = [
Here's what it says for this blog's homepage:
['code', 'script', 'php', 'file', 'framework', 'directory', 'main', 'found', 'syntax', 'python', 'pygments', 'oracle', 'blogger', 'apache', 'znupi', 'posted', 'post', 'modules', 'load', 'comments']
Pretty useful :-)
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