Monday, October 5, 2009

RhythmToWeb Updated

I've recently received an e-mail from Aaron Hill, about some modifications he's done to RhythmToWeb. I took his idea of storing information about more than one song, and adapted it in my own way. You can now use the buttons under the song information on the right to browse the last 5 songs I've played. It will also automatically refresh, so if you wait around long enough you'll see it switch to a new song when I start playing one (I really don't know who I'm kidding, no one will ever wait on my blog to see when my song changes :P). Anyway, on to the code: PHP, this gets called by Rhythmbox: <?php define('CALLBACK', 'rtw_callback'); define('JS_FILE', 'nowplaying.js'); define('MAX_ENTRIES', 5); define('SERIALIZE_FILE', './data'); function test_value($var) { if ( strlen($var) && mb_strtolower($var) != 'unknown' && $var != '0' ) { return true; } return false; } $song_info = array(); foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { if (test_value($value)) { $song_info[$key] = $value; } } $last_songs = unserialize(file_get_contents(SERIALIZE_FILE)); if ($last_songs === false) $last_songs = array(); elseif (count($last_songs) >= MAX_ENTRIES) { while (count($last_songs) >= MAX_ENTRIES) { array_shift($last_songs); } } $last_songs[] = $song_info; file_put_contents(SERIALIZE_FILE, serialize($last_songs)); file_put_contents(JS_FILE, CALLBACK . '(' . json_encode($last_songs) . ')'); ?>
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HTML, this is in the HTML widget on my blog: <div id="rtw_info">Loading...</div> <button style="padding: 2px 3px; font-size: 0.6em; background: #454545; border: solid 1px #7f7f7f; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; float: right" onclick="rtw_newer()" title="Show more recent songs">&gt;</button> <button style="padding: 2px 3px; font-size: 0.6em; background: #454545; border: solid 1px #7f7f7f; color: #fff; font-weight: bold" onclick="rtw_older()" title="Show older songs">&lt;</button> <script type="text/javascript"> rtw_songs = null; rtw_curIndex = 0; rtw_script_url = ""; function rtw_callback(aSongs) { // store the received data and show the last song played if (rtw_songs == null || rtw_songs[0].title != aSongs[0].title) { rtw_songs = aSongs; rtw_curIndex = aSongs.length - 1; rtw_update(); } } function rtw_refresh() { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = rtw_script_url + "?" + Math.random(); document.body.appendChild(script); setTimeout(rtw_refresh, 5000); } function rtw_older() { if (rtw_songs === null) return; if (rtw_curIndex > 0) { rtw_curIndex --; rtw_update(); } } function rtw_newer() { if (rtw_songs === null) return; if (rtw_curIndex < rtw_songs.length - 1) { rtw_curIndex ++; rtw_update(); } } function rtw_update() { // update the DOM var toFill = document.getElementById('rtw_info'); // first, clear everything in the div while (toFill.childNodes.length) { toFill.removeChild(toFill.childNodes[0]); } // now fill it according to what data we have var curSong = rtw_songs[rtw_curIndex]; // no data: if (curSong.length == 0) { toFill.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Nothing currently playing.')); } // some data: else { var b; if (curSong.title) { b = document.createElement("b"); b.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Song: ")); toFill.appendChild(b); toFill.appendChild(document.createTextNode(curSong.title)); toFill.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } if (curSong.artist) { b = document.createElement("b"); b.appendChild(document.createTextNode("By: ")); toFill.appendChild(b); toFill.appendChild(document.createTextNode(curSong.artist)); toFill.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } if (curSong.album) { b = document.createElement("b"); b.appendChild(document.createTextNode("From: ")); toFill.appendChild(b); toFill.appendChild(document.createTextNode(curSong.album)); toFill.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } if (curSong.genre) { b = document.createElement("b"); b.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Genre: ")); toFill.appendChild(b); toFill.appendChild(document.createTextNode(curSong.genre)); toFill.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } if (curSong.year) { b = document.createElement("b"); b.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Year: ")); toFill.appendChild(b); toFill.appendChild(document.createTextNode(curSong.year)); toFill.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } if (curSong.duration) { b = document.createElement("b"); b.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Length: ")); toFill.appendChild(b); var len = parseInt(curSong.duration); var mins = Math.floor(len / 60); var secs = len % 60; toFill.appendChild(document.createTextNode(mins + ":" + secs)); toFill.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } } } rtw_refresh(); </script>
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Pretty kewl, eh?


  1. Nice!

    Will link back to here from blog. :)

  2. can you please give me more detailed instructions on how to make it work?
    i would like to use the image from the google code site on a forum's signature.
    as for server i would like to use dropbox.

    thanks in advance :)
